Gym Utrecht, Utrecht
In Utrecht there are 50 gyms around where you could go to. On the gym page of these fitness centres in Utrecht you can read what others say about the gym, view the facilities that the fitness centre has to offer, book a trial lesson or get your subscription. You can also take a look at photos of the gym, compare the prices and find out which group lessons the gym offers.
Does Utrecht not appear to be the place where you want to work out, or can’t you find the right gym? Then take a look at other gyms in Utrecht.
Fitness in Utrecht
You are looking for a gym in Utrecht and have taken the first step by looking at newgym. But what do you have to keep in mind when you start with fitness? Firstly, its’ good to determine what you want to achieve with fitness. Some of us work out to lose a few pounds. However, many people start with fitness to become stronger. If this is what you want, you might want to consider strength training, powerlifting or weight lifting. It is also good to determine in advance what you want to pay per month. Utrecht has gyms in all price ranges: from cheap and affordable, to luxurious and therefore slightly more expensive. Are you a woman and do you prefer to work out with women only? Then check out the ladies only gyms.
All gyms in Utrecht and surroundings
In Utrecht you can for fitness pretty much anywhere in the city. For example, several gyms are located close to the city centre. You could also go to Zuid, Noord, Oost and West. You will also find various fitness centres near De Uithof, Lunetten, Lombok, Abstede, Zuilen and Leidsche Rijn. When you prefer to work out nearby Voordorp, Vleuten-De Meern or even Overvecht, you can also indicate this. Finally, several gyms have been established in the Wittevrouwen, Hoograven, Rivierenwijk, Oog in al and Vogelenbuurt districts.
Ladies only fitness in Utrecht
For ladies who prefer to work out with just women, there are various gyms in Utrecht for you! Men are not allowed here, so you’re all alone with females.
Gym facilities in Utrecht
When you sign up at a fitness centre in Utrecht, the main thing you want to do is probably to work out. But if you feel like relaxing after your workout, then consider using the luxury filter, consisting of a Sauna, Sunbed or even a Pool. After using it, we’ll give you the best gyms nearby you! In need for inspiration? When searching for a gym, we give you countless options at the facilities.
Fitness subscriptions in Utrecht
Exercising at a gym is usually done by taking out a subscription. The possibilities vary for each gym. You could for example search for a gym that does not have a short notice period. Are you still unsure of the number of times you plan to work out? Take a look at whether there are gyms that offer day cards, week cards or monthly cards. When you want to exercise with the entire family, you could look at a family subscription.