
Gym Groningen, Groningen

In Groningen there are 49 gyms around where you could go to. On the gym page of these fitness centres in Groningen you can read what others say about the gym, view the facilities that the fitness centre has to offer, book a trial lesson or get your subscription. You can also take a look at photos of the gym, compare the prices and find out which group lessons the gym offers.

Does Groningen not appear to be the place where you want to work out, or can’t you find the right gym? Then take a look at other gyms in Groningen.





    Group lessons


    Fitness in Groningen

    You can go to the gym for many reasons. For example, to lose some weight, gain a few kilos, to get stronger, to train a six-pack by training your abdominal muscles or just to stay in a healthy shape. Depending on what you find important, you can make a choice for a gym. For example, do you just want a cheap gym where you can train nicely, or do you find it important that group lessons are offered? Do you like to work out mixed, or do you rather work out only with women? By indicating your choices in the filters, we will look for the perfect match for you.

    All gyms in Groningen and surroundings

    Groningen has more than twenty gyms throughout the city. Whether you live in North, West, South or East Groningen, a gym is always nearby. There are, for example, gyms in the centre, but also in Helpman, Selwerd, Westerhaven, Korrewegwijk, Oosterpark and in the vicinity of Euroborg you will find several fitness centres. So, you can go anywhere as a student, but also as a so called ‘stadjer’!

    Ladies Only fitness in Groningen

    Would you like to only perform fitness with women? Groningen has a number of Ladies Only clubs, where only ladies are allowed to workout. Wondering if this is something for you? Then take a look among the ladies only clubs!

    Gym facilities in Groningen

    Besides fitness at a gym, we can imagine that you are also looking for a piece of relaxation. Groningen offers various options for this. There are gyms with a sauna, swimming pool, tanning bed and in some cases even a bar. This way you can relax after your workout. Is this not relevant to you, but are you looking for the cheapest plan? At many gym’s, facilities are optional and you only pay for them when you use them.

    Fitness subscriptions in Groningen

    Pretty much all of the gyms work based on a subscription. Although in Groningen, a lot of variation is possible. For example, there are gyms without a notice period, gyms that work with a day pass, week card, monthly card or strip card and gyms with a subscription for several years, where it is cheaper if you pay in advance. There are also gyms offering discounts for students, families, families or seniors.

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