Smart Move Bastiaens Sint Pieter Maastricht
Smart Move Bastiaens Sint Pieter Maastricht

Mergelweg 40,
6212 XH,

General information
Smart Move Bastiaens Sint Pieter Maastricht is a gym located in Maastricht. Smart Move Bastiaens Sint Pieter Maastricht offers various facilities and has various subscriptions, so that there’s a choice for everyone at this gym. Wondering if Smart Move Bastiaens Sint Pieter Maastricht is something for you? Check out the customer stories, the offer and the facilities and take a trial lesson!
The facilities are not yet known to us at this time.
Total offer
Group lessons
Extra information
Studenten en senioren (65+) krijgen 20% korting op alle abonnement.
Jaarabonnement Onbeperkt for everyone from €48,80 per month for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €585,60
- Prijs per month: €48,80
- Registration fee: -
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Jaarabonnement Gezin for families from €100,00 per month for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €1,200,00
- Prijs per month: €100,00
- Registration fee: -
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Jaarabonnement Daluren for everyone from €28,20 per month for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €338,40
- Prijs per month: €28,20
- Registration fee: -
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks: Ma t/m vr: 12:00 - 18:00, Weekend hele dag
Jaarabonnement 1x per week for everyone from €33,50 per month for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €402,00
- Prijs per month: €33,50
- Registration fee: -
- Number of times per week: 1
- Remarks:
Flexibel abonnement for everyone from €59,00 per month for 1 month
- Duration: 1 month
- Price per year: €708,00
- Prijs per month: €59,00
- Registration fee: -
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
10 rittenkaart
- Prijs: €102,80