il fiore healthcenters Maastricht Céramique
il fiore healthcenters Maastricht Céramique

Avenue Ceramique 201,
6221 KX,

General information
il fiore healthcenters Maastricht Céramique is a gym located in Maastricht. il fiore healthcenters Maastricht Céramique offers various facilities and has various subscriptions, so that there’s a choice for everyone at this gym. Wondering if il fiore healthcenters Maastricht Céramique is something for you? Check out the customer stories, the offer and the facilities and take a trial lesson!
Total offer
Group lessons
Premium Fitness Student for students from €32,50 per 4 weeks for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €422,50
- Prijs per month: €35,21
- Registration fee: €19,99
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks: Jongeren tot 23 jaar en studenten
Premium Fitness 1 jaar for everyone from €42,50 per 4 weeks for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €552,50
- Prijs per month: €46,04
- Registration fee: €19,99
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Premium Fitness 2 jaar for everyone from €35,00 per 4 weeks for 24 months
- Duration: 24 months
- Price per year: €455,00
- Prijs per month: €37,92
- Registration fee: €19,99
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Premium Fitness Flexibel for everyone from €50,00 per 4 weeks for 1 month
- Duration: 1 month
- Price per year: €650,00
- Prijs per month: €54,17
- Registration fee: €29,99
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Indoor Parking
- Prijs: €15,00
- Toelichting: Per 4 weken
Onbeperkt Zonnebank
- Prijs: €15,00
- Toelichting: Per 4 weken
Yanga Sports Water
- Prijs: €4,50
- Toelichting: Per 4 weken
Onbeperkt Koffie & Thee
- Prijs: €4,50
- Toelichting: Per 4 weken