QFitness Den Haag Loosduinen
QFitness Den Haag Loosduinen
Arnold Spoelplein 75,
2553 CG,
Den Haag
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General information
QFitness Den Haag Loosduinen is a gym located in Den Haag. QFitness Den Haag Loosduinen offers various facilities and has various subscriptions, so that there’s a choice for everyone at this gym. Wondering if QFitness Den Haag Loosduinen is something for you? Check out the customer stories, the offer and the facilities and take a trial lesson!
Total offer
Group lessons
Jaar abonnement for everyone from €33,50 per month for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €402,00
- Prijs per month: €33,50
- Registration fee: €25,00
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Jaar abonnement for everyone from €28,50 per month for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €342,00
- Prijs per month: €28,50
- Registration fee: €25,00
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks: Daluren: Ma t/m vrij tot 17:00
Jaar abonnement for students from €19,50 per month for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €234,00
- Prijs per month: €19,50
- Registration fee: €25,00
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks: Studenten: 16 - 25 jaar
Maand abonnement for everyone from €48,50 per month for 1 month
- Duration: 1 month
- Price per year: €582,00
- Prijs per month: €48,50
- Registration fee: €25,00
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Maand abonnement for seniors from €40,50 per month for 1 month
- Duration: 1 month
- Price per year: €486,00
- Prijs per month: €40,50
- Registration fee: €25,00
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks: 50+
Maand abonnement for everyone from €38,50 per month for 1 month
- Duration: 1 month
- Price per year: €462,00
- Prijs per month: €38,50
- Registration fee: €25,00
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks: Daluren: Ma t/m vrij tot 17:00
Kwartaal abonnement for everyone from €46,00 per month for 3 months
- Duration: 3 months
- Price per year: €552,00
- Prijs per month: €46,00
- Registration fee: €25,00
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Kwartaal abonnement for seniors from €38,00 per month for 3 months
- Duration: 3 months
- Price per year: €456,00
- Prijs per month: €38,00
- Registration fee: €25,00
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks: 50+
Kwartaal abonnement for everyone from €36,00 per month for 3 months
- Duration: 3 months
- Price per year: €432,00
- Prijs per month: €36,00
- Registration fee: €25,00
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks: Daluren: Ma t/m vrij tot 17:00
Halfjaar abonnemnt for everyone from €41,00 per month for 6 months
- Duration: 6 months
- Price per year: €492,00
- Prijs per month: €41,00
- Registration fee: €25,00
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Halfjaar abonnement for seniors from €35,00 per month for 6 months
- Duration: 6 months
- Price per year: €420,00
- Prijs per month: €35,00
- Registration fee: €25,00
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks: 50+
Halfjaar abonnement for everyone from €31,00 per month for 6 months
- Duration: 6 months
- Price per year: €372,00
- Prijs per month: €31,00
- Registration fee: €25,00
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks: Daluren: Ma t/m vrij tot 17:00