CrossFit Meppel
CrossFit Meppel

Scherpemaat 6,
7942 JV,

General information
CrossFit Meppel is a gym located in Meppel. CrossFit Meppel offers various facilities and has various subscriptions, so that there’s a choice for everyone at this gym. Wondering if CrossFit Meppel is something for you? Check out the customer stories, the offer and the facilities and take a trial lesson!
Total offer
Group lessons
12 maand for everyone from €13,27 per week for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €690,04
- Prijs per month: €57,50
- Registration fee: -
- Number of times per week: 6
- Remarks: Toegang tot alle lessen 24 credits per kalendermaand Altijd persoonlijke begeleiding Gericht op jouw doelen Ongelimiteerd koffie en thee in de box De beste coaches en community in Meppel
6 maand for everyone from €13,85 per week for 6 months
- Duration: 6 months
- Price per year: €720,20
- Prijs per month: €60,02
- Registration fee: -
- Number of times per week: 6
- Remarks: Toegang tot alle lessen 24 credits per kalendermaand Altijd persoonlijke begeleiding Gericht op jouw doelen Ongelimiteerd koffie en thee in de box De beste coaches en community in Meppel
3 maand for everyone from €14,42 per week for 3 months
- Duration: 3 months
- Price per year: €749,84
- Prijs per month: €62,49
- Registration fee: -
- Number of times per week: 6
- Remarks: Toegang tot alle lessen 24 credits per kalendermaand Altijd persoonlijke begeleiding Gericht op jouw doelen Ongelimiteerd koffie en thee in de box De beste coaches en community in Meppel
Personal plan for everyone from €83,20 per week for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €4,326,40
- Prijs per month: €360,53
- Registration fee: -
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks: 1 op 1 begeleiding Persoonlijk plan Jij staat centraal Gericht op jouw doelen Ongelimiteerd koffie en thee in de box De beste coaches en community in Meppel Small group mogelijkheden