My HealthClub Leeuwarden
My HealthClub Leeuwarden

Zaailand 76-80,
8911 BM,

General information
My HealthClub Leeuwarden is a gym located in Leeuwarden. My HealthClub Leeuwarden offers various facilities and has various subscriptions, so that there’s a choice for everyone at this gym. Wondering if My HealthClub Leeuwarden is something for you? Check out the customer stories, the offer and the facilities and take a trial lesson!
Total offer
Group lessons
Extra information
Toeslag maandelijks opzegbaar lidmaatschap €10
Studentenkorting (Uitsluitend geldig t/m 27 jaar en op vertoon van studentenpas) €5
Kinderen t/m 17 jaar in een gezinslidmaatschap gratis (Geldt uitsluitend i.c.m. twee reguliere lidmaatschappen voor ouders/verzorgers)
Premium for everyone from €39,95 per month for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €479,40
- Prijs per month: €39,95
- Registration fee: €29,95
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Gold for everyone from €47,95 per month for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €575,40
- Prijs per month: €47,95
- Registration fee: €29,95
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Platinum for everyone from €57,95 per month for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €695,40
- Prijs per month: €57,95
- Registration fee: €29,95
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Jeugdlidmaatschap t/m 12 jaar for youth from €24,95 per month for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €299,40
- Prijs per month: €24,95
- Registration fee: €19,95
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks:
Jeugdlidmaatschap 13 t/m 17 jaar for youth from €29,95 per month for 12 months
- Duration: 12 months
- Price per year: €359,40
- Prijs per month: €29,95
- Registration fee: €19,95
- Number of times per week: Unlimited
- Remarks: