Reviewing guidelines

In order to ensure reviews of gyms are relevant and reliable, we ask everybody to comply with below set of rules. This so that we collectively ensure everybody gets a true picture of a gym, but also to keep the conversation respectful – let’s play nice! If you decide not to adhere to these rules, it might be that we decide not to make your review public.

By placing a review you acknowledge newgym’s irrevocable right to make the review public. You also consent for newgym to use/copy/publish/translate and spread the review via any medium and any purpose we deem necessary. For example, however not limited to, advertisement and promotional means without seeing your explicit additional consent. Lastly, at all times, we reserve the right to remove your review.

Our rules:

  • Your review consists of minimum 25 signs
  • You ensure your review is consistent with the given rating
  • You only review a gym once
  • You have used this gym within the last 3 years
  • You do not own or work at this gym
  • You respect other peoples’ opinions/reviews
  • You will not use harmful, discriminatory, demeaning or insulting language. Cursing is not tolerated.
  • You will not use the review to advertise or promote other products or services
  • You will not use ‘ad hominem’ arguments (Latin for ‘to the man’ or ‘to the person’)
  • No other gyms are mentioned in your review
  • Your review does not include information which you know to be false or misleading
  • The review is not used to reply to another review
  • The review is not used to provide updated information
  • You will not refer to any specific individuals/use any names


Lastly, if you have a complaint or issue with a gym, we suggest you speak directly to the gym to try and resolve matters. Reviews are not the best medium to display or resolve a conflict.